" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bab/bab05563/u/25.jpg">


  • 為了骨骼的健康發育
  • 液體膳食補充劑
  • 30 份
  • 新生兒 +


  • 消化系統健康
  • 抵抗功能
  • 我們的承諾


    Yasmin K. 女兒和CEO。

    鼠李糖乳桿菌GG:Mommy's Bliss Probiotic滴液 +維生素D促進健康的消化系統,抵抗功能和骨骼生長發育。



    建議劑量: 每天5滴,支持消化和抵抗健康。請勿使用超過建議的劑量。

    網路價:891元,結帳享5%折扣後 847


    • Antibiotic Use May Cause Digestive Upset
    • Liquid Probiotic Supplement
    • 15 Servings
    • No Additives, Chemicals or Parabens
    • No Artificial Flavors or Colors
    • No Dairy, Gluten or Soy

    Replenishes beneficial bacteria & may help with occasional diarrhea

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG

    Antibiotic use may cause occasional diarrhea and digestive upset.

    Mommy's Bliss Probiotic Drops 15 Day Boost helps maintain your digestive balance.

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strain is the worlds most studied probiotic bacterium with over 800 scientific studies.

    Our Story

    Our family-run company was founded by my mom, who raised three children while working as a registered nurse, lactation consultant and certified nurse midwife. Driven by compassion, she created Mommy’s Bliss to safely and naturally bring families back to wellness.

    Yasmin K.◎Daughter and CEO

    " border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bab/bab05503/u/25.jpg">


    • Antibiotic Use May Cause Digestive Upset
    • Liquid Probiotic Supplement
    • 15 Servings
    • No Additives, Chemicals or Parabens
    • No Artificial Flavors or Colors
    • No Dairy, Gluten or Soy

    Replenishes beneficial bacteria & may help with occasional diarrhea

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG

    Antibiotic use may cause occasional diarrhea and digestive upset.

    Mommy's Bliss Probiotic Drops 15 Day Boost helps maintain your digestive balance.

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strain is the worlds most studied probiotic bacterium with over 800 scientific studies.

    Our Story

    Our family-run company was founded by my mom, who raised three children while working as a registered nurse, lactation consultant and certified nurse midwife. Driven by compassion, she created Mommy’s Bliss to safely and naturally bring families back to wellness.

    Yasmin K.
    Daughter and CEO


    使用前搖勻分散團塊。填充 5 滴(0.33 毫升),獲得完整劑量。使用提供的滴管。不要將滴管放入口中。可以直接用勺子食用,混入母乳或配方奶粉中或直接在哺乳時抹在乳房上。不要添加到加熱前的配方奶粉或食物中。不可微波加熱。熱的食物或配方奶會破壞活細菌。

    建議份量:每天 5 滴 以支持消化和抵抗健康。

    網路價:417元,結帳享5%折扣後 397


    充分搖勻。出現沉澱物是正常現象。將推薦的食用量分裝到提供的量杯中。用後沖洗。每日服用不超過 2 次,直至排便規律或優化。開封 6 周後丟棄。

    • 6 個月 - 3 年不推薦
    • 4 歲及以上。2 茶匙(10 毫升)


    網路價:362元,結帳享5%折扣後 344