

  • Dietary Supplement & Educational Guide to Support Normal Blood Sugar Levels

The Impact of Blood Glucose on Healthcare

The NIH reports that approximately 25.6 million adults 20 years and older in the United States suffer with the symptoms and the life-altering effects of hyperglycemia, or too much blood sugar. Typically, this condition is the precursor for a number of devastating health problems that can age the body prematurely and contribute to increasing healthcare costs. Direct and indirect costs associated blood sugar issues were estimated in 2007 to be approximately 174 billion dollars**. A number of things can be done to support the management of normal glucose levels. Healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing are the most important and most widely recommended. Recent research has suggested that botanicals used in Ayurvedic medicine can have an impact on supporting the balance of glucose in the blood. Supplementation with vital minerals has also suggested great promise in normalizing blood sugar levels.

Blood Sugar and Balanced Glucose Levels

Blood sugar refers to glucose in the blood. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the right amounts provides energy and facilitates metabolic process in the body. Normal glucose levels contribute to overall good health because all functions in the body need glucose. When a glucose imbalance occurs, blood sugar can build up causing a condition known as hyperglycemia, which can be damaging to the entire body, especially kidneys, eyesight, the heart and circulatory system. Too little glucose is known as hypoglycemia, and it, too, can wreak havoc in the body, causing a wide range of symptoms that are not immediately identified as hypoglycemia. An imbalance of blood sugar in the body can be identified by a health care professional through tests designed to specifically measure glucose.

**National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ntc/ntc42560/u/4.jpg">


  • Dietary Supplement & Educational Guide to Support Normal Blood Sugar Levels

The Impact of Blood Glucose on Healthcare

The NIH reports that approximately 25.6 million adults 20 years and older in the United States suffer with the symptoms and the life-altering effects of hyperglycemia, or too much blood sugar. Typically, this condition is the precursor for a number of devastating health problems that can age the body prematurely and contribute to increasing healthcare costs. Direct and indirect costs associated blood sugar issues were estimated in 2007 to be approximately 174 billion dollars**. A number of things can be done to support the management of normal glucose levels. Healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing are the most important and most widely recommended. Recent research has suggested that botanicals used in Ayurvedic medicine can have an impact on supporting the balance of glucose in the blood. Supplementation with vital minerals has also suggested great promise in normalizing blood sugar levels.

Blood Sugar and Balanced Glucose Levels

Blood sugar refers to glucose in the blood. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the right amounts provides energy and facilitates metabolic process in the body. Normal glucose levels contribute to overall good health because all functions in the body need glucose. When a glucose imbalance occurs, blood sugar can build up causing a condition known as hyperglycemia, which can be damaging to the entire body, especially kidneys, eyesight, the heart and circulatory system. Too little glucose is known as hypoglycemia, and it, too, can wreak havoc in the body, causing a wide range of symptoms that are not immediately identified as hypoglycemia. An imbalance of blood sugar in the body can be identified by a health care professional through tests designed to specifically measure glucose.

**National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.


Use only as directed. While following the online guide* adults take 1 capsule with a meal up to twice daily. For children 4-12 years of age, take 1 capsule daily.

網路價:384元,結帳享5%折扣後 365


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 適合男士和女士


您的腎臟是非常重要的豆形器官,幫助您的血液保持清潔和化學平衡,調節您體內的液體量, 幫助控制血壓,還生成對於血液和骨骼形成來說非常重要的激素。它們位於您的背部中間位置附近,就在 胸腔下方。

腎臟每天處理約 200 夸脫的血液,以過濾掉約兩夸脫的廢物和多餘的水分。這會變成尿液,流至膀胱儲存起來,直到可以被排出。如果腎臟不過濾血液,廢物就會堆積,對人體具有破壞性。


維護健康的腎臟對於健康來說是必需的。腎臟的小單位叫做腎元,充當篩檢程式,當廢物和水離開血液時,促進複雜的化學交換。過濾之後,腎臟將必需的化學物質,如磷、鉀和鈉 按量配給並釋放回血液。通過這種方式, 腎臟調節和平衡人體中這些物質的水準,而這些物質對於整個系統的整體健康功能是必要的。


" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ntc/ntc11060/u/29.jpg">


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 適合男士和女士


您的腎臟是非常重要的豆形器官,幫助您的血液保持清潔和化學平衡,調節您體內的液體量, 幫助控制血壓,還生成對於血液和骨骼形成來說非常重要的激素。它們位於您的背部中間位置附近,就在 胸腔下方。

腎臟每天處理約 200 夸脫的血液,以過濾掉約兩夸脫的廢物和多餘的水分。這會變成尿液,流至膀胱儲存起來,直到可以被排出。如果腎臟不過濾血液,廢物就會堆積,對人體具有破壞性。


維護健康的腎臟對於健康來說是必需的。腎臟的小單位叫做腎元,充當篩檢程式,當廢物和水離開血液時,促進複雜的化學交換。過濾之後,腎臟將必需的化學物質,如磷、鉀和鈉 按量配給並釋放回血液。通過這種方式, 腎臟調節和平衡人體中這些物質的水準,而這些物質對於整個系統的整體健康功能是必要的。



必須按照說明使用。成人每次隨餐服用 2-3 粒膠囊,每天兩次。

網路價:414元,結帳享5%折扣後 394


  • 消化系統健康
  • 有利於肝臟和消化解除毒素的草本混合物
  • 支援肝臟健康
  • 提供減緩氧化保護
  • 奶薊提取物
  • 每份含525毫克
  • 素食
  • 膳食補充劑


  • 有利於肝臟和消化解除毒素的草本混合物,還有助於肝臟健康。
  • 有助於消除代謝副產物。
  • 提供減緩氧化保護
  • 每份含420毫克水飛薊素



網路價:266元,結帳享5%折扣後 253